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Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Chijang Bosal) 地藏菩薩
Gilt bronze 鎏金銅
Goryeo dynasty 高麗(918-1392)
Korea 韓國
Ksitigarbha bodhisattva is one of the four principal bodhisattvas in the East Asian Mahayana tradition. He is known in Korean as Chijang Bosal, which literally means Earth Store Bodhisattva. He is said to have vowed not to attain final enlightenment until all souls have been saved, and the hell realm emptied. His name’s association with the earth, and his vow have led him to be revered for his merciful deliverance of sentient beings from the suffering of hell. He is prayed to to seek forgiveness for deceased relatives for transgressions committed during their lifetimes, and to request that they may have a speedy rebirth. His story is told in the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra, first translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the 7th century during the Tang dynasty.
Ksitigarbha is customarily portrayed, as in this figure, wearing the garments of a Buddhist monk. His uttarasanga, draped over his shoulders, is open at the chest to reveal an elaborate necklace, while the antaravasaka is tied with a sash into a neat bow. A long cowl covering his head is gathered at the back and secured with a band. His right hand is raised with the thumb and middle finger joined in the shuni mudra, a gesture of patience. The left hand holds a jewel, which has the power to grant wishes. He is seated cross-legged in meditation, with jeweled chains at his knees. His eyes are half-closed and an amber urna centers his forehead.
Sculptural representations of Ksitigarbha are more commonly found in Chinese and Japanese art but are extremely rare in Korea; only one other Goryeo-dynasty Korean bronze figure of the bodhisattva is known, a smaller and less ambitious work in a Japanese private collection.
地藏菩薩是東亞大乘傳統中的四大菩薩之一。他在韓語中被稱為Chijang Bosal,字面意思是地藏菩薩。據說他發誓在所有靈魂都得救並且地獄世界清空之前他不會獲得最終的成佛。他的名字用大地命名,他的誓言使他因仁慈地拯救眾生脫離地獄的痛苦而受到尊敬。祈求他為已故親屬在生前所犯的罪行尋求寬恕,並要求他們早日重生。他的故事在公元七世紀唐朝時由梵文翻譯成中文的《地藏菩薩本愿經》中有所記載。
Ksitigarbha is customarily portrayed, as in this figure, wearing the garments of a Buddhist monk. His uttarasanga, draped over his shoulders, is open at the chest to reveal an elaborate necklace, while the antaravasaka is tied with a sash into a neat bow. A long cowl covering his head is gathered at the back and secured with a band. His right hand is raised with the thumb and middle finger joined in the shuni mudra, a gesture of patience. The left hand holds a jewel, which has the power to grant wishes. He is seated cross-legged in meditation, with jeweled chains at his knees. His eyes are half-closed and an amber urna centers his forehead.
Sculptural representations of Ksitigarbha are more commonly found in Chinese and Japanese art but are extremely rare in Korea; only one other Goryeo-dynasty Korean bronze figure of the bodhisattva is known, a smaller and less ambitious work in a Japanese private collection.
地藏菩薩是東亞大乘傳統中的四大菩薩之一。他在韓語中被稱為Chijang Bosal,字面意思是地藏菩薩。據說他發誓在所有靈魂都得救並且地獄世界清空之前他不會獲得最終的成佛。他的名字用大地命名,他的誓言使他因仁慈地拯救眾生脫離地獄的痛苦而受到尊敬。祈求他為已故親屬在生前所犯的罪行尋求寬恕,並要求他們早日重生。他的故事在公元七世紀唐朝時由梵文翻譯成中文的《地藏菩薩本愿經》中有所記載。

Model of a Horse 馬像
Carved wood 木雕
Han dynasty 漢 (206 BC-220 AD)
China 中國
Horses were highly esteemed during the Han dynasty, and models of horses were made to accompany nobles into the afterlife. These mortuary models were made of bronze, pottery, and like this example, wood. Due to the organic nature of wood, which is susceptible to decay over time, large wood figures of horses are relatively rare. The various parts of the horse were carved separately, and assembled using dowels to connect the head to the neck, and the neck, legs and tail, to the torso, which was carved from a single log. In this example, the legs and tail have been lost to the ravages of time.
This example, with its open mouth and powerful neck, would have depicted a Ferghana horse which the Han imported from Central Asia. According to tradition, these horses could fly like the wind and were said to sweat blood.
This example, with its open mouth and powerful neck, would have depicted a Ferghana horse which the Han imported from Central Asia. According to tradition, these horses could fly like the wind and were said to sweat blood.

Model of Deer 花鹿像
Carved and lacquered wood 彩漆木雕
Han dynasty 漢 (206 BC-220 AD)
China 中國
The figure depicts a standing stag with its head raised, and alert eyes scanning the distance for sign of danger. The musculature of the body, its legs and hooves, and the details on its head, are all naturalistically rendered. The large antlers are carved separately and attached to the head. The body is covered in black lacquer with painted details depicting the distinctive markings of the deer’s fur, indicating that it is likely a sika deer, a species native to much of East Asia, but today mostly found only in Japan. This lacquered wood figure is notable for its elegance and rarity. Wood and lacquer being organic, are subject to the ravages of time, and it is rare for such a superb figure to survive in such good condition.

Figure of an Attendant 侍俑像
Carved and painted wood 彩繪木雕
Warring States period 戰國 (475-221 BC)
China 中國
This slender figure was made to be interred in the tomb of a noble, along with food, furnishings, and models of animals. It would have been expected to attend to the tomb occupant in the afterlife, and was likely a substitute for an actual human sacrifice. The figure is carved from a log of wood with detachable lower arms, and depicted wearing a flaring robe. The relatively large head has schematically modeled features with painted details, and the pierced ears would have held actual earrings.

A Pair of Low Back Armchairs 南官帽椅一對
Black lacquer on wood 木加黑漆
17th century 十七世紀
China 中國
Each chair is made with a slightly arched crestrail above a gently curved backsplat carved with a circular medallion. The armrests are supported by a central post, all extending from a frame surrounding the hard wood seat, supported by legs of circular section joined by pairs of stretches at the sides, a single stretcher at the rear, and a foot rest in the front. The front legs are additionally joined by a cusped apron. The slender members of these chairs, with their graceful curves and elegant shape are fine examples of the Ming furniture aesthetic.
Armchairs such as these are called nanguanmaoyi, or southern official’s hat armchairs, because they resemble the style of Southern Official’s hats, where the crestrails continue into the back posts, as opposed to extending beyond them.
Armchairs such as these are called nanguanmaoyi, or southern official’s hat armchairs, because they resemble the style of Southern Official’s hats, where the crestrails continue into the back posts, as opposed to extending beyond them.

Four-poster Canopy Bed 四柱架子床
Chicken Wing Wood 鷄翅木
Late 17th century 十七世紀晚期
China 中國
The rectangular woven mat bed is enclosed on three sides by humpbacked solid panels slotted into the bed frame, which is supported on a narrow waist and cusped apron continuing to gently-curved legs with scrolled ruyi-form feet. Four narrow vertical posts extend upwards from the corners of the bed frame joined by humpback stretchers and supporting the openwork lattice canopy top.
Four-poster canopy bed, were common during the Ming period. They were typically draped with fabric curtains around the outside of the frame that were appropriate to the season. The fabric not only provided insulation during the colder months and a barrier against insects during the warmer months, but also allowed for privacy by creating a room within a room. When not in use, the curtains were tied back with knotted tassels or hooks.
The Chinese name Jichimu, literally meaning 'chicken-wing wood', is a name used to describe the wood grain patterns that are visible when the wood is tangentially cut, as the patterns were thought to resemble chicken feathers.

Torso of the Bodhisattva Maitreya
Carved Red Sandstone
North India, Uttar Pradesh, Mathura
Late Kushan Period, 3rd-4th century
Gift to the museum from Drs Edmund and Julie Lewis

Figure of Guangong 關公坐像
Gilt bronze 鎏金銅
Qing dynasty 清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
Guangong (Lord Guan) is an honorific title for the deified historical figure Guanyu who served as a general during the end of the Han Dynasty, becoming an important figure during the Three Kingdoms Period, serving under Liu Bei. Guanyu’s life and accomplishments are immortalized in the historical drama The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Guanyu is worshiped in Chinese folk religion as a god of war and martial arts, where he is referred to as Guandi (Emperor Guan) or Guangong (Lord Guan). He is also part of the Taoist pantheon, where he is referred to as Guan Sheng Di Jun (Holy Emperor Lord Guan), a protective deity tasked with slaying demons. He is also venerated in the Buddhist pantheon as the bodhisattva Sangharama (Qielan Pusa), the protector of temples and the dharma.

Buddhist Stele 佛碑
Carved stone 石雕
Sui dynasty 隋 (581-618 AD)
China 中國
This stele is carved in the outline of a lotus petal to form a large mandorla, that backs three figures carved in high relief. The central figure depicts the bodhisattva Maitreya, who as the future Buddha, will descend to earth from Tushita heaven, to restore Buddhist teachings once the teachings of Gautama Buddha have completely disappeared from this earth. Maitreya’s full face has delicately carved features with half-closed eyes and a gentle smile. He wears a crown in the shape of a lotus blossom and is seated with legs crossed at the ankles on a throne in the form of two lions. This seated pose is characteristic of Maitreya, and is useful in identifying him, while the lions are symbols of strength and protection. The left hand is held downwards in a gesture of charity that denotes the compassionate granting of wishes. The right hand is damaged. Maitreya is flanked by two standing monks, with shaved heads and hands clasped in front of their bodies.

Stele of Goddess Durga 杜爾迦女神像
Pala dynasty 帕拉王朝 (750-1161)
India 印度
The warrior goddess Durga is often depicted atop a tiger or lion, with multiple arms each carrying a weapon. In the current example, she is depicted with four arms, carved in deep relief, standing in a triumphant pose atop the back of a beheaded buffalo. She grabs the hair of Mahishasura the buffalo demon, as he emerges from the neck of his slayed anthropomorphic form. The trident held in one of Durga’s four arms is lodged in the back of the buffalo, while her tiger grips the buffalo’s rump in its jaws. In the goddess’ other hands, she holds a sword and shield. The background of the pointed, blade-form stele is carved with other deities and foliage. The asymmetrical pose of the figure gives the sculpture a sense of action, capturing the moment the goddess slays the demon.

Chinese puzzle balls 中國益智球
Ivory 象牙
Late 19th century 19世紀晚期
Canton, China 廣州,中國
Made for the export market, Chinese puzzle balls are ornate decorative items that consist of several concentric spheres, each of which rotates freely, carved from the same piece of material. The number of layers can vary, but the pieces shown here have approximately twenty. Although the inner balls can be fairly easily arranged so the holes align, the name “puzzle ball” is derived from those who were “puzzled” or perplexed with how such objects were created.
中國益智球是專供海外市場的裝飾性多層同心球,它的每一層都可以自由旋轉,每一層均由同一塊材料雕刻而得。益智球的同心球層數不盡相同,您現在看到的這件有大概二十層之多。儘管讓所有同心球洞排列一致并非難事,但是人們見到此類物品時還是會對其製作方式感到困惑(puzzled),因此這些同心球被稱為“puzzle ball”。

Civil Rank Badges (Mandarin Squares) 文官徽章(方補)
Silk and metallic embroidery 絲綢和金屬刺繡
Qing Dynasty 清 (18th to 19th century)
China 中國
Top: Golden pheasant, second rank, with images of the Eight Auspicious Buddhist emblems
Middle: Crane, first rank.
The crane facing left indicates this was a badge for the wife of a civil official. When seated next to her husband, the birds on their badges would face each other.
Bottom: Egret, sixth rank, with symbols of the Eight Taoist Immortals
Middle: Crane, first rank.
The crane facing left indicates this was a badge for the wife of a civil official. When seated next to her husband, the birds on their badges would face each other.
Bottom: Egret, sixth rank, with symbols of the Eight Taoist Immortals

Cabbage and Insect Group 捲心菜和昆蟲
Carved and polychromed bone 彩骨雕
Republic Period 民國時期(1911 – 1949)
China 中國
This carving is remarkable not only for its size and vivid colors, but because of the wonderful insects, vegetable, and flowers that surround it. In Chinese culture, the cabbage is a symbol of wealth. A pair of crickets that grace the cabbage as a symbol of luck and prosperity, while a single praying mantis symbolizes bravery. A spray of white chrysanthemum blossoms represent longevity. The chestnut is a symbol of abundance, while the radish symbolizes good fortune.

Bas Relief of a Seated Lion or Tiger
Carved Sandstone
South India, Karnataka
Hoysala Dynasty, 12th-14th century
Gift to the museum from Drs. Edmund and Julie Lewis

Water-Moon Guanyin (Avalokitesvara)
Yuan to Early Ming dynasty (ca. 1279-1500s)
Wood with polychrome pigments
This sculpture of Guanyin - known as Avalokitesvara outside of China - was carved in Water-Moon style, a popular representation that depicted the Bodhisattva in his personal paradise.
Here, Guanyin exudes an air of relaxation and royalty through a seated pose known as rajalilasana, or 'royal ease.' Ears weighed down by large earrings and draped in sumptuous, revealing robes and an ornate necklace, Guanyin's princely background is further emphasized by clothing and jewelry. A crown prominently displaying the image of the Amitabha Buddha further identifies this sculpture as Guanyin.
This elaborate and opulent depiction of Guanyin characterized the Water-Moon style by the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Although this sculpture participated in a centuries-long tradition of Water-Moon representations, one begun as early as the Tang dynasty (618-906), earlier iterations emphasized an idealized appearance through elegant, unadorned, and modestly-robed sculptures.
Here, Guanyin exudes an air of relaxation and royalty through a seated pose known as rajalilasana, or 'royal ease.' Ears weighed down by large earrings and draped in sumptuous, revealing robes and an ornate necklace, Guanyin's princely background is further emphasized by clothing and jewelry. A crown prominently displaying the image of the Amitabha Buddha further identifies this sculpture as Guanyin.
This elaborate and opulent depiction of Guanyin characterized the Water-Moon style by the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Although this sculpture participated in a centuries-long tradition of Water-Moon representations, one begun as early as the Tang dynasty (618-906), earlier iterations emphasized an idealized appearance through elegant, unadorned, and modestly-robed sculptures.

Pair of Compound Cabinets 一對雙層櫃
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
Compound cabinets consist of an upper and lower set of cabinets and are often used in pairs, as shown here. However, very few complete sets of compound cabinets have survived together into modern times. They are popular in the north of China, where colder climates dictated a necessity for extra storage space to stow away furs.
Each section consists of two-leaf doors, which are separated by central removable stiles, all fixed with copper faceplates, metal pins, and pulls. Along the bottom edge are relief-carvings of two dragons surrounding a longevity character.
合櫃是由上下兩部分櫥櫃組成,通常成對使用。然而,很少有完整的複合櫃套組在現代保存完好。它們在中国北方很受欢迎,那里的寒冷气候需要额外的存储空间来存放皮毛。 每个部分都由两扇门组成,由可拆卸的中央立柱分开,全部固定在铜面板、金属销和拉手上。沿底部边缘是两条龙围绕一个“寿”字的浮雕雕刻。
Each section consists of two-leaf doors, which are separated by central removable stiles, all fixed with copper faceplates, metal pins, and pulls. Along the bottom edge are relief-carvings of two dragons surrounding a longevity character.
合櫃是由上下兩部分櫥櫃組成,通常成對使用。然而,很少有完整的複合櫃套組在現代保存完好。它們在中国北方很受欢迎,那里的寒冷气候需要额外的存储空间来存放皮毛。 每个部分都由两扇门组成,由可拆卸的中央立柱分开,全部固定在铜面板、金属销和拉手上。沿底部边缘是两条龙围绕一个“寿”字的浮雕雕刻。

Long Table 長條桌
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
This long, recessed-leg table boasts its fair share of decorative components, from everted spiral flanges to sculpted spandrels detailing back to back dragons. In addition, inset ornamental panels in between the legs further showcase dragon motifs in openwork carving with geometric elements atop. The table is supported by horizontal cross stretchers at the bottom that double as the feet.
Chinese scholars may have used this as a study table for examining scrolls and antique collections.
Chinese scholars may have used this as a study table for examining scrolls and antique collections.

Side Table 條案
Hardwood 硬木製
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
The top of this long side table (tiao ‘an) consists of two floating panels contained in an ice plate frame and bracketed by everted flanges. It stands on recessed legs, supported by cloud-shaped aprons & spandrels beaded to the edge and pairs of thick, rectangular upper-side stretchers connecting legs of raised rectangular section. Although this hardwood table has been repaired over the years, signs of its frequent use are still obvious in the ink marks blotting the surface.
These types of long, thin tables were often placed against a wall for use as an altar or side table, although they could also be placed in the middle of the room for more practical usage, such as a surface for painting or reading sutras.
張長型的條案(tiao 'an)的桌面由兩個浮動的面板組成,被一個冰盤框架包含,並由外翻的凸緣支撐。它站在一對凹陷的腿上,由形狀為雲朵的台裙和裝飾到邊緣的斗拱支撐,並由厚實的矩形上框支撐相連接。雖然這張硬木桌子經過多年修補,但墨跡仍然顯示其經常使用的痕跡。
These types of long, thin tables were often placed against a wall for use as an altar or side table, although they could also be placed in the middle of the room for more practical usage, such as a surface for painting or reading sutras.
張長型的條案(tiao 'an)的桌面由兩個浮動的面板組成,被一個冰盤框架包含,並由外翻的凸緣支撐。它站在一對凹陷的腿上,由形狀為雲朵的台裙和裝飾到邊緣的斗拱支撐,並由厚實的矩形上框支撐相連接。雖然這張硬木桌子經過多年修補,但墨跡仍然顯示其經常使用的痕跡。

Pair of Chairs 一对椅子
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
These two softwood chairs of identical nature boast a rectangular top rail rounded at the corners. The simplicity of the chairs’ design emphasizes the beauty of the wood grain in the S-curved back splat connecting the top rail to the seat. The curved side-posts of the arms are thin in the upper part and thicker in the lower part, and the armrests themselves end in scrolled hand-grips. Under the seat is a humpbacked stretcher connected to the seat framework by two short vertical braces. Pairs of round stretchers stabilize the legs on either side of the chairs, with a single round stretcher running along the back and a footrest in the front.

Square Pedestal Table 方座桌
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
This square pedestal table (chaji) has an ice-plate-edged table board with a high, indented waist and four legs of rectangular section. Under the waist, step-like aprons have been decorated with floral motifs. Between the legs, straight base stretchers support an ice-ray patterned lattice-work, named so for its “broken ice” appearance.
這張方形茶几(chaji)具有帶有冰盤邊緣的桌面,高高的凹腰和四條矩形截面的腿。 在腰部下方,台裙上有花卉圖案。 在腿之間,直形底座托架支撐著一種名為冰射線圖案的格子,因其「破冰」外觀而得名。
這張方形茶几(chaji)具有帶有冰盤邊緣的桌面,高高的凹腰和四條矩形截面的腿。 在腰部下方,台裙上有花卉圖案。 在腿之間,直形底座托架支撐著一種名為冰射線圖案的格子,因其「破冰」外觀而得名。

Wardrobe Cabinets with Stand 圓角衣櫃
Pine 松木製
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
The upper part of this rounded-corner pine wardrobe is designed in the Ming style and sits upon a shelf base with two pull-out drawers affixed with ring handles. Simple arch-shaped aprons line the bottom of each section. The undecorated upper panels are inset within a frame, separated by a central stile and secured by metal fixtures in the form of a rectangular noodle backplate with knob handles.

Luohan Bed 羅漢床
Hardwood 硬木製
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
This woven mat couchbed has a waist that connects to cabriole legs with horse hoof feet and aprons resembling curled leaves. The top rail consists of a three-panel screen, with the center panel bearing a distinctly humpbacked shape. Framed double-dragon medallions carved in relief form a pattern wrapping around the interior of the screen, complemented by a lattice pattern running along the edges. A geometrically arched dragon decorates the ends of each side.

Luohan Bed 羅漢床
Hardwood 硬木製
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
This couchbed is framed around a woven mat with a waist connecting to arch-shaped aprons and ending in widely curved C-form legs with horse-hoof feet. The three side panels bear rounded edges and relief-carved medallions of two dragons flanking a stylised character meaning longevity (shou).
The longevity character is stylised differently between the shorter side panels and the back panel; this is part of a practice called baishou (one hundred longevities), in which utilizing this character in multiple variations was believed to grant the user longevity.
The longevity character is stylised differently between the shorter side panels and the back panel; this is part of a practice called baishou (one hundred longevities), in which utilizing this character in multiple variations was believed to grant the user longevity.

Elm Wood Six-Post Canopy Bed 六柱榆木編織床
Qing Dynasty清 (1644-1911)
China 中國
This six-column woven-mat elm bed is patterned with framed rectangles across three side railings, while the two square front panels are decorated with a stylized wan character formed into an X-shape. Under the surface board, horizontal stretchers connect the solid, circular legs while pillar-shaped struts connect the stretchers to the board. Two large support beams with a natural curve stretch across the bottom of the surface board, paralleling the two rectangular support beams across the canopy top. Woven ties line the front underside of the bed.

Bookshelf 書架
Late Qing Dynasty晚清 (1875-1920)
China 中國
Perhaps the youngest acquisition in the room, this bookshelf dates from the Late Qing dynasty (1875-1920), judging from the more intricate carvings and designs adorning the bottom compared to the simpler Ming style.
The upper part of this bookshelf lacks decoration but boasts sharp angles from its rectangular corner posts and has been fitted with three tiers of shelves, each with two floating panels supported by a transverse brace underneath. The bottom section is separated into two pull-out drawers and a two-leaf cabinet, all decorated with relief carvings along with metal handles. Stylized dragons have been etched into the drawers, which act as support for the bookshelf’s structure and also serves as a convenient storage space for scholar’s materials, such as ink and stationary. Objects such as flower vases and teapots decorate the cabinet doors, examples of the ‘archaic pattern’ technique popular in the Qing dynasty which depicted items found in the imperial palace collections onto furniture to indicate nobility and purity.
The upper part of this bookshelf lacks decoration but boasts sharp angles from its rectangular corner posts and has been fitted with three tiers of shelves, each with two floating panels supported by a transverse brace underneath. The bottom section is separated into two pull-out drawers and a two-leaf cabinet, all decorated with relief carvings along with metal handles. Stylized dragons have been etched into the drawers, which act as support for the bookshelf’s structure and also serves as a convenient storage space for scholar’s materials, such as ink and stationary. Objects such as flower vases and teapots decorate the cabinet doors, examples of the ‘archaic pattern’ technique popular in the Qing dynasty which depicted items found in the imperial palace collections onto furniture to indicate nobility and purity.
Museum of Asian Art
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